January 27, 2020

International appeal accelerates Sci-Tech Daresbury’s growth

2019年,海外投资对达斯伯里科技的增长起到了重要推动作用, following a surge in the number of global companies moving to the site.

International appeal accelerates Sci-Tech Daresbury’s growth

这个领先的科技创新园区去年迎来了27个新租户, including eight foreign companies. The raft of new tenants means that the site is now home to 150 businesses.

自从去年夏天公布软着陆计划以来,达斯伯里科技公司的国际吸引力已经增强, 许多全球投资者利用这个机会在英国市场开展业务.

“软着陆”项目为总部设在该校加拿大28(Innovation Centre)的全球科技公司提供长达12个月的免费工作空间和业务支持.

2019年,一家国际公司是美国生物技术公司, LivFul. 该公司发明了一种技术,可以为产品驱虫. STAYTEC™, 它的专利技术与驱蚊剂一起工作,使它们比任何其他驱蚊剂都更亲肤,更有效.

Hogan Bassey, founder and chief innovation officer at LivFul, 他是否已经开始考虑进一步扩张了. 他说:“达斯伯里科技园区的情况就像硅谷,但这里的文化更好. In the US, it’s as much about the individual hero, but in the UK, 人们更频繁地聚在一起,有一种不同的合作感.

加拿大28就像一个社区,它创造了一种不同的能量,你会在商务早餐网络活动中感受到, when companies come together to share resources and stories. Setting up a business is very capital and research intensive. In Silicon Valley it’s three times the cost to set up a lab, but here you can tap into resources to help.

“这里有一些特别的地方,我们在世界其他地方寻找基地, we thought of Germany and Switzerland, we looked at different clusters and talent pools and knowledge bases, for example in the Northeast Corridor in the US, San Francisco, and the idea of London was also heavily considered, but there’s something about Sci-Tech Daresbury that is so impressive.

“We are a start-up that was immediately global, with operations and people in East and West Africa, Asia, Brazil, USA, 在时区和便捷的连接方面,我们为世界服务的最佳方式就是把我们的主要枢纽设在这里.”

Another company to have moved to the campus in 2019, via Sci-Tech Daresbury’s soft-landing programme, is Leaf Global Fintech from Denver, Colorado. 该公司通过区块链技术将移动货币转换为稳定的投资,提供综合金融服务. 在实践中,这意味着帮助确保世界各地的弱势群体和流离失所者获得资金,首先是在东非.

当来自利物浦城市地区的投资者代表团访问美国时,Leaf Global Fintech首次被介绍给了加拿大28.

Nat Robinson, co-founder and chief executive officer at Leaf Global Fintech, 他说:“我们对在英国开展业务很感兴趣,因为在非洲协商时区更容易, 同时,科技环境也很好,有更多的投资者愿意在非洲投资,我们可以接近他们. 监管环境也比美国更支持金融科技和汇款服务.

“When I visited the campus for the first time, I loved it. 这是一个很好的网络社区,有很多投资者参与其中,还有法律和会计等重要服务,对初创企业非常有帮助, especially for one coming into a new country to navigate everything.

“Geographically Sci-Tech Daresbury is really well situated. 通过利物浦和曼彻斯特,在欧洲有很多令人惊叹的目的地,只有几个小时的飞行距离,我们已经与很多潜在的合作伙伴和投资者取得了联系, 例如法国和西班牙以及日内瓦的联合国难民事务高级专员办事处. 从西北到这些地方比我们从丹佛到这些地方要方便得多.


据去年透露,该园区在2018年创造了超过1.3亿英镑的销售额. 这项对112家企业的研究报告称,过去12个月,它们的年销售额增长了22%.

In total, 73%的贸易公司在英国以外有销售,欧洲仍是一个重要的出口市场, 占出口销售额的一半以上,北美占总销售额的四分之一以上.

John Downes, 朗特里集团首席执行官兼加拿大28合资公司董事长, 他说:“我们很高兴地向大家报告,science - tech Daresbury又一年取得了持续的成功, which has seen a number of new tenants join the campus.


“与丰富的科学专业知识和提供的设施相结合,校园合作文化的力量不容低估。, it creates a very special place for companies to develop and expand.

“Looking forward to the new decade, 我们将努力继续鼓励本地租户公司之间的创新, national and international level. 我们很高兴看到未来一年校园的发展,因为我们将在2020年继续发展并吸引更多的公司到这里来,并投资于未来的设施,以支持企业在这里的发展.”

The Innovation Centre welcomed 20 new tenants in 2019: Microgeneration Certification Services, C W Fields, Dunwoody, Codel, Kognitiv Spark, Code Fork, Care Quality Ecosystems, Uovo Technologies, PES UK, Vulcan, Econcrete, Onkolyze, Loki Technology, Mindler, All Four Technologies, Worldline IT Services, Samson VTI, Leaf Global Fintech, Incertrans and DATP Ltd.

Four new businesses have moved in the Campus Technology Hub including Artemis Analytical, Formeric, Biaccon and Nantrack, 而克罗达和哈德斯菲尔德大学精密技术中心已经搬进了 Techspace One. The Innovations Technology Access Centre welcomed Neu Drive.